About Verve
What are Verve’s hours and locations?
You may view Verve’s hours, locations and ATMs here.
What are routing numbers used for?
Routing numbers are used to identify financial institutions, and are used in transactions to let retailers, online bill pay systems…
What is Verve’s routing number?
Verve’s routing number is 275981187. You can also find it in the footer of the Verve website, online banking, as…
What is Verve’s NMLS (Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System & Registry) number?
Verve’s National Mortgage Licensing System & Registry (NMLS) number is 789540.
What is Verve’s membership area?
Membership is open to anyone who lives, works, or worships in 23 counties throughout Wisconsin (Brown, Buffalo, Calumet, Dodge, Fond…
What days are you closed?
We are closed every Sunday and the following federal holidays that are observed by the U.S. Federal Reserve: New Year’s…
Why do you close on federal holidays when most other businesses are open?
Banks and other financial institutions are closed on federal holidays because the U.S. Federal Reserve is closed. When the Federal Reserve…
Why Verve, a Credit Union for a name?
Verve: We are Verve, a Credit Union. This new name stands for all the things we are: enthusiastic, energetic, strong and…
What’s the difference between a credit union and a bank?
Credit unions are not-for-profit financial cooperatives, meaning resources and earnings are pooled and paid back to members in the form…
What does Verve, a Credit Union, stand for?
Believe it or not, verve is a real word that means “to have great energy and enthusiasm.” This name stands for all…
Verve doesn’t sound like a typical financial institution.
Not at all, and we think that’s perfect. It is Verve’s goal to always pursue new technologies, continuously adapt, and…