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Savings Products

With so many savings options, there’s no wrong choice.

Health Savings Account? Money Market? IRA? Decisions, decisions, decisions. The good news is you can choose more than one!

For Covering Your Bases

All the options you need to save money effortlessly.

For The Goal-Getter

We're here to help you crush those savings goals.

For the Overachiever

Save for your kids, unexpected medical bills and more.

P.S. Did you know you can add a little bit to your savings with every debit card purchase you make? It’s called Verve Round Up and that’s exactly what it does—up to the nearest dollar—every time you buy something. Then, we put that money in your savings. Easy, right?

Be prepared for an emergency, accomplish your savings goals (hello, tropical vacation) and plan for the future.

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For Covering Your Bases

Name Your Savings

They say writing down your goal gives you a better chance of accomplishing it, and we think the same goes for saving money.

With our Name Your Savings account, you can put your dream’s name on the account—like “Joe’s Big Screen TV” savings account. It puts your goals in writing and makes it tougher to spend funds on anything else but your dream purchase. Dreaming of lots of things? Members can open up to 10 sub-accounts using one main account number with a different “suffix” or “ending” number. Maintain a minimum of $100 to earn dividends.

Account Dividend Rate APY
Savings 0.10% 0.10%

All savings rates are stated as Annual Percentage Yield (APY). Dividends compound monthly. Minimum balance of $100 to earn dividends. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account. The dividend rate and annual percentage yield may change at any time as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors.

Rates current as of May 24, 2022.

Let's Do This

Whatever you're saving for , Verve can help you select the right savings plan that works for you.

Get Started

Take advantage of this tax-reducing health savings plan today.

Health Savings Account (HSA)

This special savings account is designed especially for our members with high-deductible insurance plans, making it easier to pay for out-of-pocket medical bills each month. Simply make a monthly pre-tax contribution into your HSA for healthcare expenses for you, your spouse and your dependents, and you can reduce your taxable income while ensuring you have money to pay for healthcare expenses when you need it.

  • Your HSA funds stay right here at Verve (no national provider).
  • Serviced by a local team.
  • View your balance with online banking.
  • Pay yourself or your providers using convenient online, phone and debit card access to your funds.
  • Roll over unused savings from year to year.
Account Balance Dividend Rate APY
$100.00 – $2,499.99 0.15% 0.15%
$2,500.00 – $9,999.99 0.30% 0.30%
$10,000.00 – $24,999.99 0.40% 0.40%
$25,000.00+ 0.45% 0.45%

All savings rates are stated as Annual Percentage Yield (APY). Dividends compound monthly. Minimum balance of $100 to earn dividends. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account. Reducing taxable income depends on your contribution levels and income. Please consult a tax accountant for your specific tax implications. The dividend rate and annual percentage yield may change at any time as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors.

Rates current as of May 24, 2022.

Get Started

Pick Your Payout Savings

Whether you are saving for holiday shopping in December, a beach vacation in February, Back to School shopping in August or a new patio in June, the Pick Your Payout account is ideal for savers who’d like to have an end-date in mind. Any funds you save to this account transfer to your regular savings in the month you pick as your payout. Pick October as your payout month for holiday savings or pick February as your payout month to enjoy a vacation in March. Maintain a minimum of $100 to earn dividends.

  • Earn a higher rate when you save with a goal in mind (early withdrawal fee applies if you remove your funds before your scheduled date).
  • Save over time giving you the ability to make smart purchases.
Account Dividend Rate APY
Pick Your Payout 0.15% 0.15%

All savings rates are stated as Annual Percentage Yield (APY). Dividends compound annually. Minimum balance of $100 to earn dividends. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account.  $10 fee for early withdrawals. The dividend rate and annual percentage yield may change at any time as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors.

Rates current as of May 24, 2022.

Get Started

Tiny accounts for tiny budgets. Open a savings account for your child, and there are no minimum balance requirements as he or she starts on the journey of saving.

Link it up with your own. Easily transfer money between family accounts and check balances in online banking—all from one login.

For the Overachiever

Kids' Savings Accounts

Money management learned the Verve way.

A perfect fit for growing balances. An easy-to-manage kids’ savings account will grow as fast as your youngster. Account perks and features designed for different ages make spending and saving a no-brainer.

Age 0-9

At this age, life is full of firsts. First steps, first words, first savings account.
Starting saving early is what counts! Open a Verve savings account for your child and we’ll match the first $5!*

Age 10-15

Taking allowance to the next level. 

If your tween doesn’t have a savings yet, open one now and we’ll match the first $5.* From then on, Verve’s online tools make teaching your child money management a cinch! Use our allowance tracker or savings goal tool to help your child budget and continue to save for down the road.

Age 16

Chaos-proof plastic.
Lessen the worry about your teen’s spending with customizable settings that limit the risk of the account going negative and help you keep tabs on expenses with a debit card only checking. Plus, if your teen is working a first job, he or she can deposit checks or view balances using our mobile app. Not that they need more time with their phone. Open a Verve savings account for your teen and we’ll match the first $5.*

Account Dividend Rate APY
Kids' Account 0.10% 0.10%

All savings rates are stated as Annual Percentage Yield (APY). Dividends compound monthly. Minimum balance of $100 to earn dividends. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account. The dividend rate and annual percentage yield may change at any time as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors.

Rates current as of May 24, 2022.

IRA Money Market

A flexible, safe, higher-dividend-earning retirement savings account, our Individual Retirement Account (IRA) Money Market allows you to make regular contributions with options to convert to a different retirement savings vehicle in the future.

  • $100 minimum daily balance to earn dividends.
  • Tiered interest rates reward higher balances with higher dividends.
  • Traditional and Roth IRA plans available. Ask a specialist to determine which is right for you.
Account Balance Dividend Rate APY
$100.00 - $1,999.99 0.05% 0.05%
$2,000.00 - $19,999.99 0.10% 0.10%
$20,000.00+ 0.15% 0.15%

All savings rates are stated as Annual Percentage Yield (APY). Dividends compound monthly. Minimum balance of $100 to earn dividends. Deposits and withdrawals are allowed. Consult a tax advisor for contribution limits and withdrawals. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account. The dividend rate and annual percentage yield may change at any time as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. 

Rates current as of May 24, 2022.

Get Started

Save for retirement safely and easily.

Ready. Set. Save.

Open an account online, schedule an in-branch or phone appointment, or visit one of our branches.